Providing Single Mothers With the Support They Need
Janet High, RN, served as a nurse for 39 years. She embodied the Florence Nightingale Pledge. She served with compassion and love. After graduating from the Malone School of Nursing she served her community with passion like no other. She was constantly learning and growing as the nursing profession changed. As a young, single mother she did all she could to balance her work and home life. She wanted her child to know her challenges but more importantly she wanted him to see her overcome them. That is why this foundation was created. To assist single mothers in achieving that same goal. To help provide communities with passionate nurses.
For many single mothers, having the time, energy, and resources to achieve their dreams while raising children can be very difficult. At the Janet High Foundation, our goal is to help them accomplish their academic goals and pursue a nursing career.
Funding and Financial Aid
We are dedicated to assisting working mothers with their education, and providing them with the support they need. They can apply for our scholarship at any point in their pursuit of a nursing degree. Our support is available from the beginning until the final day.

Get in Touch With Our Staff
For more information on our foundation, contact our team today.